


Dan vjenčanja jedno je od najdivnijih iskustava u životu. To je također i dan koji planiramo i pripremamo puno vremena unaprijed. Puno je detalja koje treba pripremiti; mašne i baloni, tablice za auto s imenima mladenaca, organdi i til, mladenci za tortu, podvezica, topovi konfeta, foto rekviziti... Zavirite u našu ponudu i vizualizirajte tu čaroliju u bijelom: mališani koji bacaju umjetne latice idući prema oltaru, veliko srce sastavljeno od mnoštva balona iza stola mladenaca, elegantni jastučić na kojem je prstenje za sudbonosno DA, uzvanici koji upisuju svoje čestitke u elegantnu knjigu gostiju, balončići od sapunice koji igraju svoju igru u zraku te maštovit i personalizirani ukras na svadbenoj torti. Kod nas ćete pronaći rješenja za baš svaki ukus. Ukoliko pak niste sigurni odakle uopće početi i koje dekoracije kombinirati, slobodno nam se obratite. Rado ćemo Vam pomoći s dekoriranjem tog posebnog dana!

Wedding day is one of the most wonderful experiences in a person’s life. It is also a day that we plan and prepare well ahead. There are a lot of details to prepare: bows and balloons, car license plates with the names of the newlyweds, organdie and tulle, bride and groom cake toppers, garter, confetti cannons, photo props ... Take a look at our offer and visualize that magical moment in white: children throwing artificial flower petals on their way to the altar, a huge heart made of numerous balloons behind the head table, an elegant ring pillow for the fateful I DO, guests writing their congratulations in an elegant guest book, soap bubbles playing in the air, and imaginative and personalized wedding cake topper. With us, you will find products which will cater to every taste. If you are still not sure where to start or which decorations to combine, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you decorate your big day!

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